Letter from Campbell Ballantyne to club members

20 Oct 2023 by Campbell Ballantyne

Since 1996 I’ve had the unparalleled privilege of playing for Curtin Football Club and for most of this time I have been in the club’s most senior leadership position, this tenure pre dates our constitution even existing and the position even being called club president.

Annual General Meeting approaches, I have decided not to renominate as President. It’s a decision I make with a mix of emotions, but predominantly with a sense of optimism and excitement for the club’s future. I do not have the time, drive or energy I once had to push the club ever forward. As many of you know Nicola and I welcomed our Daughter Heather in September 2022 and as a result in 2023 I felt I couldn’t give the role the time required to continue to grow the club, in 2024 it’s time for someone new.

Now, more than ever, Curtin Football Club is in need of new energy, ideas, and leadership to steer it into the next era. Our growth has always been in S-curve style leaps and we are ready for a leader or leaders to drive this change.

I urge each of you – whether you’ve been with us for decades or just a season – to consider taking a more active role in our club. The AGM provides a golden opportunity for all members to voice their opinions, to share their vision for our club, and most importantly, to step into roles of responsibility. I know that within our ranks there are individuals who possess the passion, skills, and commitment to lead this club to even greater heights.

For those who might feel hesitant or unsure about stepping forward, I am not leaving the club and will be very happy to lend support and advice to the 2024 committee, but when it comes to taking on the task-based work, I am tired and simply in need of a break.

To those who can commit the time and effort, I urge you to attend the AGM. Let your voices be heard, and consider taking on roles – whether big or small – to help shape our club’s future. For those who are unable to commit to official roles, your presence, input, and encouragement at the AGM will be invaluable.

Any member wishing to nominate for committee or executive positions should email committee@curtinfootball.com

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