Volunteers - Seniors


We are a not-for-profit community sporting club, relying on volunteers to run our amazing club.  Volunteering is good for you and those around you.  Do something for your community by becoming part of our positive, highly motivated team and meet new people and make friends along the way. 

For students and all members, discount fees are available for some roles and the experience you gain from joining our volunteer group is invaluable - it even looks great on a CV!   Volunteering for discount fees requires an application process and a commitment to do the tasks assigned. Please sign up for this at the point of registration (preferred) or talk to your coach or committee rep for more information. 


The club has a policy if you commit to organising fundraiser you can play for free.  Some current options of projects that could be undertaken: 

  • Quiz Night - run once per year and a great night.  
  • Sponsorship - free fees if you source a grant or secure a sponsor
  • Additional Roles - can be found on our vacancies page

To apply to run one of these programs please email committee@curtinfootball.com and a decision will be made on a suitable role prior to approval. 

Team Roles

Special discounts and free fees for suitable candidate at team-level roles:

Club Roles

Many of the roles listed here include partial discount or free fees, depending on the commitment level required.  

President Campbell Ballantyne
Vice President
Payam Golestani
Treasurer VACANT
Secretary Tim Claessen
Technical Director Mike Chapman
Assistant Treasurer (Bookkeeper) VACANT
Registration Assistant VACANT
Equipment Manager (Seniors/EO) VACANT
Equipment Manager (Juniors/RP) Aaron Chapman
Uniform Coordinator VACANT
Juniors Social Event Coordinator VACANT
U5-7s MiniRoos Kickoff Coordinator
Aaron Chapman
U8s In-House Coordinator VACANT
U8-12s Coordinator VACANT
U13-16s Coordinator VACANT
Curtin Academy Coordinator Payam Golestani
Summer Social Football Coordinator Payam Golestani
Summer Junior Futsal Coordinator VACANT



Enquiries & Help

Volunteers coordinator
Club Registrar (volunteer)