New Senior Players

Returning Players

 If you know your team and just need to register for the new season, scroll down the page to the big, orange ‘Click here to Register’ button to register now. 

New Players

New players are always welcome at Curtin. Students, members of the community, and staff - we welcome everyone

How do I get started?

Just come to training, introduce yourself, and join in a session.  This is the best way to meet coaches and discuss which level suits you.  Wherever you are on your Football Journey, you are welcome, and we have a place for you.   Click the level below to find days and times:

You are welcome to also submit our new enquiry form


  • Senior Men & Women :
    • Metros or over 45s: $555
    • Ams: $599
    • MSL: $790
    • W Metro: $555
    • senior helper discount $350. Must agree to doing club tasks to work off the discount 
    • 2025 enrolled Curtin students receive $50 off all above prices
    • Over 55s $450 OR $250 up front and $10 per match
      • Why are 55s cheaper - the season is shorter and we allow 25+ registrations per team to cover injury which is far higher than other groups.
      • In 2024 CUFC are running a pilot program of a lower fixed fee with match fees, if this works smoothly from an operational point of view it may be rolled out to other groups in future years. The committee determined 55s was the perfect place to trial this system due to many players playing reduced numbers of games
  • Senior Men & Women - Volunteer Discount - apply here
  • Non-Playing Member (incl. voting rights): $50
  • Social Member (non-voting): $16

Fees exclude credit card transaction fees and are subject change without notice.


Find Your Competition Level

Read below and click on the image for more information on senior teams training days/times.  For juniors' information, click here.

Highest Level of Competition/Commitment 

AFC/UEFA Licensed coaches, backed up by high performance strength and conditioning specialists and video/analytics. Training twice per week, Games on Saturdays.  

For Intermediate/Experienced Players

Good commitment levels. Suited to players who’ve played competitively. Training is twice per week with games on Sundays.  


 Social Players and Beginners 

For players of all levels, including new players, looking to only train once per week.  Games on Sundays. 

 Masters Over 35s, 45s & 55s 

For players looking for social teams matched to their age level.  Training is once per week, with games on Sundays. 

State Futsal League

Football’s favourite cousin. For men and women aged 16 and over.  Games are played Saturdays. Training details via link below. 

Registration and Fees 

Early registration is encouraged, but not required, for new players attending their first training session.  

Important: You must be registered, paid, and approved before playing your first match.  The process takes time, so please register early

Click below - this is best done in web browser

Club Communications 

Join our TeamApp and stay up to date with training and game times, club social events and important announcements.

All senior players and parents of juniors should Sign Up Here or click below. If you have questions, ask a teammate or fellow parent for assistance. 

New Players from Overseas

If you are arriving from overseas and this is your first season in Australia, you are required to obtain an International Transfer Clearance (ITC). 


Note: This takes up to 30 days to process, so please follow these three steps:

1. Register via the 'Click here to register' link above

2. You will be asked what overseas country you played football in 

3. Send in a copy of your passport, include your Football Australia registration number that will be generated during steps 1 above. Include all of these email address 

Football West (
Football Australia ITC department (

Football West process


Please refer to our Club Directory