


Every junior football game (up to U12) needs a parent to act as the Game Leader (aka Referee) to guide the game and keep it fun, fair and moving along.

In general, Game Leaders are rostered for game duty by the team manager so the task is shared amongst all families.


The rules applicable to the different age groups are available under DOCUMENTS (app and web) or visit here.

Referee Development

During the season we plan to host some events with FootballWest's Referees to provide parents with an opportunity to ask questions and become more knowledgable about the role of Game Leader or Referee.


Parents do not need to register if they are rostered as a Game Leader a few times in the season. However, if you act as a referee on a regular basis please register as a volunteer

Referee resources

Juniors/Miniroos Match Rules U5-12's

PlayFootball - Referee Resources


TeamApp CHAT (login required)
Referees' Corner / Q&A (Juniors)